This morning I tried a new game called nanny mania I've downloaded through the internet, of course my reason was for it to be played by my toddler.
First I thought the game would not be any much different from the previous game we've been playing for a while (read my revoew on Carrie the caregiver), but then i was wrong.
Nanny mania has a richer Sims like animation, and her task is much more complicated. Instead of being a nanny, who I thought was only to take care of little children, she's more as the help in the house. We have to make her do all chores from cleaning, cook, baby sit, mopping, do the laundry, etc.
The family she help is a troublemaker, the father always brought some dirt on his shoe, the baby won't stop crying, the toddler (the baby will grow into toddler and bring some friends home) keep messing things around.
Oh, of course there's the mother, who don't go to work, but don't do anything in the house. She rarely visit her own baby, so don't count on her to change her own baby's diaper.
Well, from now on, everyone should pay more respect to their maid. If you don't ...try to do all of their task on this game...
Nanny Mania, repotnya jadi pe er te
Tadi pagi saya nyobain main mini game baru (setelah lama berusaha nggak download game sehubungan speedyku yang udah over quota bulan ini hihihi).
Kaya game yang udah pernah dibahas di sini sebelumnya, ini game juga game strategi. Tapi ternyata dugaan saya salah, game ini ga mirip dengan carrie the caregiver.
Nanny di game ini kerjanya lebih bribet, lebih cocok disebut maid kerena kerjanya serepot PRT. Dari nyuci baju,masak,bersihin kamar,tempat tidur dan kamar mandi, juga ngurusin bayi sampe tuh anak gede and punya ade yang buanyak banget…yang juga harus diurusin.
Sementara si ibu santai2 banget dan cuman sekali2 aja liatin bayinya, bikin gemes aja!
Sebagai kaum Ibu, game ini jadi ngingetin daku supaya ngga slebor dang a tergantung amat ama PRT….kasian ngeliat repotnya mereka di game ini.
1 komentar:
halo, kunjungan balik^o^makasih udah mampir.salam kenal...
bita seumuran ma caca nih...
pengen banget game2nya menarik banget. kalo baca postingan game nanny jd inget diri sendiri nih nyuci iya ngurus RT iya ngurus bayi iya hihi...pegimana dong^o^
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