IN ENGLISH: Languagelab, how it all begun in my second life (posted on 25 March 2009)

Time flies....been more than 1 year I've joined languagelab, both as student and part of the team. I may say, if it weren't for Languagelab I might have quit second life on the second month after I first rezzed there.
So, 1 year ago.. I wasn't very adventorous when I first started my second life journey. By the second month, I was ready to call it quit.. I mean camping, clubbing, dancing around was just not my thing (yeah, it's a whole different story why I use a past tense for that)

So, by early February or late January 2008 I rezzed on Languagelab after reading that they were having an english q
uiz event. Now quiz, that's my thing... always love it in RL as well.
I teleported to their beta welcome area, an I remember it so well who were the first 2 avatars I met over there. They were Merwe and Jessie, Merwe works as languagelab helper while Jessie is the Languagelab home staff in their RL London office.
Merwe was the first person who gave me a nice hijab to wear, made by her friend, so she's partly responsible of the way I look in SL. And Jessie Teacher, love her Brittish accent..but she surprised me later that she can speak my language! Then, Merwe lead me to the quiz area, where some other avatars has
been waiting ..some to join and some to watch.
Then the quiz host rezzed at the area, I remember his name was Head Teacher or something.. a bit strange .. I mean it's really awkward if we try to call him by his first name, don't you think? But again, his non American accent sound so distinguished and likeable (well in my country, all english media materials are americans so I am only use to the american accent before... Mr. Bean doesn't count.. he talks? no).
After introducing himself by his real name (smart move... there goes the awk
wardness I felt before) he start to explain the rules, etc, etc... then a woman pop up in the middle of the area. She has a very foreign accent, I thought she was French! It was Anna, who I later know is an Italiana. She's the quiz organizer, and a very cheerful lady host too! This 2 people were really good on this, I felt like it's a RL quiz (hehehe, yeah yeah get a life.... so you say). I am still brokenhearted that they no longer have any quiz these days, sniff..sniff...
Btw the first quiz I joined was very interesting for me, and also that was when I first met my first friend is SL, Noddy -who first i thought was a very good looking boyish avatar, turn out that she's a lady ;) - And although she has that cute brittish accent, she claims to come from a non english user country.. she then becamne the hardest to compete with to win the precious quiz prize. Well, of course other than Ling, Sensi, and Ryong.
But who is Ling? ..... to be continued.... LOL

Time flies....been more than 1 year I've joined languagelab, both as student and part of the team. I may say, if it weren't for Languagelab I might have quit second life on the second month after I first rezzed there.
So, 1 year ago.. I wasn't very adventorous when I first started my second life journey. By the second month, I was ready to call it quit.. I mean camping, clubbing, dancing around was just not my thing (yeah, it's a whole different story why I use a past tense for that)

So, by early February or late January 2008 I rezzed on Languagelab after reading that they were having an english q

I teleported to their beta welcome area, an I remember it so well who were the first 2 avatars I met over there. They were Merwe and Jessie, Merwe works as languagelab helper while Jessie is the Languagelab home staff in their RL London office.
Merwe was the first person who gave me a nice hijab to wear, made by her friend, so she's partly responsible of the way I look in SL. And Jessie Teacher, love her Brittish accent..but she surprised me later that she can speak my language! Then, Merwe lead me to the quiz area, where some other avatars has

Then the quiz host rezzed at the area, I remember his name was Head Teacher or something.. a bit strange .. I mean it's really awkward if we try to call him by his first name, don't you think? But again, his non American accent sound so distinguished and likeable (well in my country, all english media materials are americans so I am only use to the american accent before... Mr. Bean doesn't count.. he talks? no).
After introducing himself by his real name (smart move... there goes the awk

Btw the first quiz I joined was very interesting for me, and also that was when I first met my first friend is SL, Noddy -who first i thought was a very good looking boyish avatar, turn out that she's a lady ;) - And although she has that cute brittish accent, she claims to come from a non english user country.. she then becamne the hardest to compete with to win the precious quiz prize. Well, of course other than Ling, Sensi, and Ryong.
But who is Ling? ..... to be continued.... LOL
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