Rabu, 05 Maret 2008

why I stayed as the second life resident

(post originally made on 27 March 2009, the older post is deleted)

So what's so interesting about second life

After hovering around so many sims with nothing much to do in almost 1 month (back in the early days), failing every job aplications (yeah, it was even harder to apply for a decent job here)..some of these keep me in second life:

Education Event
Before I knew I can search for education event, I though second life is all about non sense chit chat (not even as familiar and friendly as old web-text/ java chat room in my earlier opinion), dancing, escort business and strippers.
Then I get to click on the education event, and I start learning things, like:
1. SL related like prim building, scripting (still not knowing how though), animation (joined the class, but too lazy to learn further...), machinima (making videos and all)
2. semi related to SL : but using a non SL tools like creating textures, outfit by photoshop (which i never thought i'd get my hand on before SL..I always prefered the more simple corel draw), and even sculpting
3. SL mediated: conference, languages learning, even simulation of medical internship that looks so real

Live Music Event
Yes, I met Michael Buble inworld.... :)) too bad he didn't have a live show, we were in the middle of a photo sesion here, and I'm the photographer (;D)

Ok, seriously live music in SL might not be a Michael Buble's Madison Square Garden performance...but some of them are really really good..

I have been to many SL performers live show.. and these are some of my favorite musicians:

1. JustinElias Anatra
He really has such lovely voice, all songs he sings if it was not his original, he made it sound his own way. He is No mediocre karaoke (;) quoting Cowel), no wonder because in RL he's also a real musician. I chat with him a couple of times, and he seem like such a nice young man too, even got the link to his myspace and here is for you to hear what I'm saying: http://www.myspace.com/justinelias1
In world, he perform regularly at the star bar martini every monday morning 4 pm SLT, and sometimes at Gold Club, and other places... you can join his group or his subcribeOmatic if you are runing out of space for groups.

2. Ruben Charleville.
He is no stranger to me, I dub him my SL brother after a while knowing him and played a prank on him at last year's april fool (sorry Ruben ..lol)
He compose music and his performance are instrumental orchestra (which he know so much about) and film soundtrack. He's an RL composer as well, he gave me this link so long ago: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=175892715ion=user.viewProfile&friendID=175892715/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=175892715ofile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=17589271575892715

3. JoeUSA Shelbyville
I watched him first performed at Jade's Jazz months ago, he was a bit nervous being a new SL performer. But still he has a magnificen voice to listen to, would love to see him sing again.

4. Akito Kuramoto
He's a violinist both SL and RL, he was performing in the seaturtle island. Listen to him here: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=338011544

And many many more

I'll be there for you...cos you're there for me too.... oh, well thats the OST for the tv series, LOL. I have my own version of friends. SOme of them even became my semi RL frieds (out of SL, but never met them in RL so)

1. Ling
After considering who should be no.1 on my list....:P Got to be her. She reads my brain, it scares me (not!). She rezzed in SL just 10 days after I did, but she found SL through language lab, so she didn't know theres other places but the school we both love so much (she is still half aware of it).
She made quite good fortune in Linden, and if she ever make it to her own money it still a lot (in fact sh could be the next Anshe Chung)..but she prefered to invest it on something she trully believe...(and I can not believe!)
She is one Av I can call SL sister, though I never thought I would want another sister (1 RL sister is enough!). To others she seem very sweet and innocent, to fellow coleagues ..well.. not so lol. And to me she can be both, but we always talk frankly with each other... so never any hard feelings...(well in my part.. but I hope not)
She has a certain feeling she brings home from SL, and for that I warn her a lot. When I first know her, she often brings her RL and SL bf along with her, it was a bit hard just to hang out with her without him tagging along. But, seem like lately, the may really broken up... maybe for her own good..but sometimes I'm afraid, maybe not! Well, she knows why not....

2. Mafahir
LOL... I cant believe I though he was a mature man when I first met him. He's such a kid, although he just turned 20, but he never really grow up...and he's loving it! We both have much in common, we whish we were The Never Land's resident playing peter pan, which is not hard to do in world lol.
Inside, he's a smart kid (with a smart mouth) but always good at heart (awwwww ..see Mafa, i tell nice stories about you). He almost got bannd from SL, maybe due to his hack loving attitude.. he explained once about white hacker..whatever that is.
And as annoying as he could be, he is my SL little brother (no matter how tall he gonna be). Sometimes he can be cute too :P , and he look kinda like Mohinder Suresh in RL (oh watch out girls....)
He quit SL though, to be concentrate more to his own RL study and future plans (good for you Bro)

3. Ruben
This name already appear above on the musician tab, but this is just about him in avatar.
First met him, we were trying to sort out if he has voice, but it was late for him so he just coughed a bit and then giggled... I pretended he wasnt there and told Ling that I already love his giggles... lol
He's hard to blush, he's a good actor himself...and we always had a good a bit crazy chat. He didnt even fall for my april fool prank so hard...
So, after passing my prank... I call him my SL big brother, he can't avoid that... unless he wants another prank.
Knowing that he's such a loving father just make some of us go awwwww... he often excuse himself to take his li'l ones to school, and to tell them bed time stories. I thought .."too good to be true"... but.. then I remember the saying, again "all the good men are either married ...or gay"... thinking which one is he? hehehe, obviously ..the 1st one

4. Merwe
She was an angel from heaven for a newbie like I was, gave me a lot of stuffs and help me dress up the way I like to in both world.
She had a 'geek inside' tattoo and also a great builder. A young girl, very pretty in both world (lol...not Hannah montana...roflol), blonde Av but smart :P. Ouch...ok, blondes don't throw your stilettos at me please... ;D
Cheeky and sassy, she says what is as what it is...always have good laugh when we chat. And we fought over Michael Buble.... ok ok..she may have him , I call her Mrs. Buble...while I am happy enough to be a Mrs. Jones in that case.... Hahaha wink ;) wink.

5. Partack
Awwww.... that's his iconic sound, lol... he used to make that sound a lot.. and it was sooooo super cute. He rarely appear human, always a pink round heroic cartoon character unless he was on helper duty. But being both avatar, he always represent a cute sweet young man. He knows a lot about computer game program, someday I hope he will be making his own game.
My daughter was a big fan of his cartoon character, so when she saw his avatar... she just loves it! LOL..but she's only 6 years old... and I kid around calling Partack my future son in law ( I think he found it too weird but didnt want to hurt my feeling by telling)
He somehow never online again, hopefully he's having a job he loves in RL..but really really miss him a lot.

6. Noddy
Met her first on the quiz set, we were the same team. She gets all the answers so fast, and humbly said it's merely cos she's good at typing (yeah the right aswers are jus a coincidence).

She had a boyish looking avatar, I realise that she's a woman a while after I heard a lady with brittish accent talk in the voicechat not realising it was hers! LOL.
Although we learn at the same institute, we never share the same class due to timezone difference. So we rarely see each other in avatars except in the early quiz area where we compete as if it was an RL event LOL, but our IM chat are always hilarious.

7. Eid
At first I thought he was very serious and shy in person. But lately, found out that he loves kidding around, though still seem a bit shy. A young man from Saudi, and a dear bro in faith... not only cos we share the same belief, but also a similar point of view in seeing this differences in the world. Like me, he prefer to seek what we have in common instead of the differences we might have with other people.
Owning his own sim, to gather people in harmony (awwww that song 'ebony and ivory' should be the sim theme song... and of course 'that's what friends are for' and 'we are the world')
He claim to have no GF in world.... ok, we just have to take your word for that.. :P

8. Josey

My country mate, used to be so naive...may still be a little. She tends to take things seriously, she works hard, and sometimes missunderstands me.... cos contrast to her, none of things in SL that I take seriously, except the friendships...(even that, I hate to think too much, since we tend to loose touch in SL).
She seem much in love though, bit worried about her.... girl ...remember mama said "don't ever mix your SL feelings with RL!"...

9. Anna
Anna L' Italiana, she's a friend as well as a mentor. She's a great event organiser but also a fun loving avatar. When working, she's very mature and serious about it, sometimes it scares me. But there were times when we were playing crazy bouncing ball and race with 1 other friend LOL. She trained me to host the quiz and to organise the event, one class I never took on the other education event of how to host...I got it from her.
On the quiz set she was really fun and lively, she kept the quiz alive with her funny remark and comments...Little did I know, that she was working so serious with every little detail to be prepared for the event, thumbs up!

10. Head
Last (for today) but not least... problem is, would he call me a friend? (He seemed forced to add me on his friendslist since I work for the quiz).
He has a very distinguished accent.. not so English, not American either.... maybe because he's neither...but Irish. A very witty avatar, who only comes in world for RL purposes... e-teaching and e-learning..all virtual education and research stuffs.
His avatar remind me of the mayor in the Desperate Housewives serials..LOL.. and his attitude during the quiz he hosted remind me of Simon Cowel ..:P
And other times, he remind me or Mr. Sheffield.... from The Nanny serials.. while I was the secretary (lol the evilish C.C ..but she's also witty!)..though I prefer to be more like nanny Fran role... (roflol)
Too bad he's not just another avatar..but more human than the other avatars in world, he always work work work, so no time for chit chat and hang out with friends...
Still... I see him as a dear friend :))

in Bahasa Indonesia :

Second Life

Yang udah maen di second life, daripada dugem melulu...yuk nambah ilmu..mari adek2...! Gara-gara langganan internet broadband sejak januari lalu. saya jadi pengen nyobain main game online. Berhubung waktu itu lagi ga lupa umur, saya cari game online yang cocok buat ibu2 seusia saya. Bukannya ketemu game, saya malah ketemu komunitas maya yang beda dengan yg saya kenal selama ini (chat room, forum, milis, bla bla) Saya ketemu banyak orang dan dapat banyak teman (moga-moga ga ada satupun yang memusuhi saya di sana heheheh), dan memperlancar juga bahasa Inggris saya yang udah lama ga dipake2 buak speka-speak..hehehe, karena selama ini saya cuma nulis dan baca aja in english ( tolong cara bacanya seperti chintha laura yaach..) Dari berbulan2 lalu udah pengen nulis tentang ini tapi..mau dijelasin gimana yah..biar yg baca dapet gambaran? untung sekarang mereka udah buat video profilenya...yah, coba dilihat aja deh di sini... dan ditunggu komennya! catatan: sayangnya yang boleh ikutan hanya yg berusia >18 tahun

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